Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

A little late as usual. . .and no post from last week. Things just get busy. . .and lazy. It's summer. Loving it!

And it is crazy hot, so some meals just need to be simple to reduce the use of hot cooking things in the house! Thank goodness for barbecues and easy meals!

This week:

Monday-Hamburgers, carrot sticks

Tuesday- Campbell's Chicken Alfredo, cut veggies

Wednesday- Salmon Strudels (from an old MPM post) or Pizza buns, salad

Thursday (CP)-Chicken Wraps

Friday- left-overs or out or grilling something. . .company may be coming. . .

Saturday's Snack-ice cream cone cupcakes

Sunday-? not sure. . .maybe hot dog BBQ at the local park

For Saturday's Snack. . .Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes. I made these ages ago. Pretty much a cupcake in an ice cream cone, and decorated to make it look like ice cream. I wanted to make them again for Princess A's birthday, but the party got kinda cancelled and moved around because of sick kids, and then doing plain cupcakes was just easier! I used this recipe--pretty much baking a cupcake into a cone. Beware, because the cones get brittle and can burn-ish, especially the no-name deals. But as I was searching for the recipe I used, I found this Betty Crocker one, where you bake the cupcake, stuff it in the cone, and then decorate. Looks easy and less prone to problems. A good idea to try anyway.
(Photo from delicious.blogspot.com)
Yep, pretty boring week, but it's summer. We can eat ice cream if we are still hungry. ;)
For more MPM, see www.orgjunkie.com

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