Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day Ribs

So. . .I have quite a bit of blog-catching-up to do! (I have a lot of other catching up sort of stuff to do, too, but don't we all???) Still trying to write about Father's Day?

Aside from all the good qualities that make my hubby a good dad, Father's Day a day of anticipation.My hubby was waiting and waiting and waiting. . .he wanted his ribs! We (and I say we, because when we have ribs, he is ALWAYS involved with the prep and making sure there are no leftovers!) have done ribs before, but since that is his all-time favourite, we have experimented a little with how exactly to make it. The last few times have been unsuccessful--recipes with too much cayenne and the like. This time, I had a little input! We made this Barbecue Sauce and actually put it in the Crock Pot for 4-6 hours before smearing them with a similar BBQ sauce (same sauce with a little more "kick" to it)on the grill.
So here is them enjoying a crock pot bath. . .
Here is them in their early stages of perfection. . .
And here they are, just about done. . .
And here are our kiddos enjoying hot dogs and ketchup. . .and annoyed at their picture-taking mom. One day they will learn to enjoy a higher standard of food than that. . .but until then, more for us!
Of course, I forgot to take a picture of "our meal" but it consisted of these ribs, baked potatoes and salad.

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