Monday, April 27, 2009


I have to share a website with you. . .all you who are teachers, home-schoolers, over-achieving parents, eco-friendly nuts. . .or really anyone who cares to read this post. I might just suck you in-- for interest's sake! I happened to stumble upon it and feel it is worthy of great mention! So, read on!

The website is called Think! and her caption is "A program designed to encourage kids to think outside of the box."
(See photo).
Yes, that caught the educational facet of my brain!
Pretty much, this incredible website gives weekly challenges to kids (well, younger kids would probably need some assistance from their parents, but older kids could do it on their own!) to create "something." That "something" often involves using things you can just find around the house, recycled materials or recycle-able materials. (Pretty much, the "go-bug-your-mom-or-dad-for-that-kind-of-stuff" kind of stuff.) That "something" can range from making structures to making edible art.
After you have given the weekly challenge a try, you have a few options. You can send in your photo of it, you can visit the help links the blog gives you, or you can use some of the helpful links to learn more about what you have been challenged to do. There is also one on-going challenge on the sidebar, educational links, contests, recommended books. . .tonnes of great stuff!!! I highly recommend for you to go visit the site and go participate.

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