Sunday, December 6, 2009

Future Little One

Last week I had one more ultrasound. This was supposed to be the routine 18-20+ week one. . .you know, the one where you can get a whole bunch of teeny-tiny pre-mature pictures of your future baby that leave you guessing about what he or she might look like or act like or even become? Well, this was it for us. The technician must have been having a grumpy day--she didn't share too much with us at all! Kinda disappointing (in my humble opinion), but this is our little future family member nonetheless!
On the positive side, there is something special to me in seeing a little baby, especially as we draw closer to the Christmas season. In the midst of the beautiful parts of Christmas--the decorations, the lights, the everything--and then to think that God sent His only Son into this world in the form of a teeny-tiny baby in a lowly stable to brand new parents whose only prior qualifications were that they fully trusted in God. "Children are a gift from God." (Psalm 127:3)

1 comment:

deWoldeDaily said...

Your baby is beautiful!!! Can't wait to meet him/her in a few months!!

And, I totally agree with the thoughts on Christmas and babies! Seeing a teeny little one and thinking that Jesus came as one of those - amazing!