Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Menu Plan. . . Yah, its been a while. All of our life and our eating didn't seem exciting enough to merit a post. And nothing has changed. Except that I decided to post about our {exciting} eats this week.

Monday- Corn and Sausage Chowder, garlic bread
Tuesday- Teriyaki Stir-fry, noodles, jello (strictly for the kids, of course!)
Wednesday-Taco Salad
Thursday (Crock pot)-BBQ Chicken sandwiches, cut veggies
Friday-left-overs or pizza
Saturday's Snack- Layered Fruit Salad for kids
(Haven't tried this one specifically, but will probably give it a try. I've kinda gotten bored of smoothies, so gotta try it a bit differently!)
Sunday-French Toast Casserole--because it's easy! And bacon. . .

On the food topic. . .the garden is planted. About a week and a half a ago it was done. Potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, beans, peas, carrots, lettuces (spinach, lettuce mixtures and swiss chard), herbs and onions. I think that is it. I have a few potatoes showing some green, a few carrots sprouting and some lettuce, I think. My herbs are good, although a few of those perennial types didn't come back, so I'm gonna have to go buy one or two new ones (not sure if seeds will grow in time anymore). Some strawberries are making pretty white flowers already. . . looking forward to some sunshine to help it all grow. (Actually, I'm just looking forward to some sunshine. . .)
Well, have a good week. .
Check out more MPM at http://www.orgjunkie.com/


Jenn said...

I think your menu sounds really good for the week. Very yummy! And I am totally jealous of your garden. I am doing a few containers of bell peppers and some upside down buckets of tomatoes this year, but I long for a real garden. Good luck!

Tara V said...

a garden....lucky! I wish, one day I'll have one ;) to much camping to merit on yet