Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Little Camping

A few weeks ago, our family went camping in Vernon. We met up with my sister, brother-in-law and niece. For us, this was our first time going camping as a family. We had been to the family cabin a few times, but this time we decided to do tenting with the kids. It turned out to be pretty fun! (Lots of work and lots of laundry in the end, but also lots of fun!)

Above are the kids having lots of fun. (okay, the one top left one, was our last day when A was saying, "Home now! Own bed!" I might have agreed with her by then!)
We did okay in terms of the weather. The first day there, everything was covered with ash from the fires. The second day turned stormy in the afternoon, and after that things slowly got better. We checked the weather before going, saw it was supposed to be super hot, and didn't bother to take enough tarps for if it did rain. Oops! We managed not to get wet and to stay cozy. Finding entertainment for the kids to do in the tent got old, so I was glad when the weather started looking up!

Here was one of the most exciting things for E (and my hubby!)--the campfire! E refused to sleep at night because he wanted to see Daddy and the fire. So, like any good parents, we gave in to his wishes! The first few days we were allowed to have fires. During the last two days, the burning ban started. We were glad to have been able to get at least one night of s'mores in. . . but the "no campfires" rule sure messed up some of our cooking plans!
Posted by PicasaAnd of course, here are the others we were camping with! Isn't my niece adorable???

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