Okay, so for me. . .a few small decorating things, like changing the "trim" colour on this old bulletin board. . .again for my daughter's room make-over. A few more things to do. . . but this is all peanuts in comparison to. . .

And there had been our laundry room, which is still a work in progress. We did put in some pantry-type cupboards (and got a little organized again!!!), but I'm still looking for an IKEA-type counter top-table or something for the corner (so i can keep the baskets for sorting laundry underneath, but have the counter space I need there. . .and maybe pair it up as a sewing table. . .I don't ask for much! If you have any ideas for me, I would welcome them!!!) and some shelves in the corner for the laundry soap and cleaners. But it is a start anyway!

And then my hubby has been renovating the downstairs bathroom (its been on-going!) and we are finally at the "install type" line on the everlasting checklist of things to do around the house. I was talking to a student's mom a few weeks back who had done tile on her own and her advice was, "Go to YouTube." Home Depot has a few good videos posted there. . . and hubby just did a great job!

And then while he was tiling, I started another BIG project. . .one that has been needing to get done since. . .well, just about 2 years ago. The weekend before my daughter was born, we (okay, mostly he and some friends and hired people and my dad. Yah, give credit where it is due. . .HE did it! But I did take down the inside trim around the windows and destroy some stuff, entertain the 2 year old running around, and make some food for the troops while he) redid the windows and siding. So for about 2 years now, our trim has looked like this. . .primed board.

So we are finally trying to make it all look like this! (Just for all you curious people out there. . .one way to make your hubby tackle a HUGE project with you is to start it, and then give him the choice between taking care of the kids--aka: keeping them away from the paint--or doing it. So. . .i can't take ALL the credit for this!!! But I do love having a handy hubby!!!) I'm hoping our neighbors will like us more now! We won't be quite the eye-sore we were before!

And this is just an on-going frustration of mine. . .And my poor flowers and little seedlings are suffering because of it!!! Those dumb moles are trying to make homes where the roots need to grow!!! Grrr. . .

Soon. . .I will post regular stuff again. . .soon!
1 comment:
Wow - you are one busy lady/family!! All your projects are looking great! I'm sure it will be fun to put together Allyson's room and set up all the stuff you've been working on!
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